Core Values


Living Grace

The foundation of our theology and our understanding of God is grace: that we are unconditionally loved by God, not because of anything that we do, but simply because it's what God does. This understanding flows into every other aspect of our lives, as we strive to embody God's grace in all that we do.


Experiencing Worship

Worship is one of the foundational parts of our life of faith. It connects us to God and one another, and forms us deeper as the people God has called us to be. Worship is really important to us, and it's why we strive to have worship that is vibrant, engaging, accessible, and relevant. 

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Accepting Community

God's grace is extended to all people, and so is this community. We like to think of the church as a family, and we want all people to experience and participate in that family love. We value diversity, and seek to extend an earnest welcome to people of all ages, races, nationalities, and identities.

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Feeding All

Food is a central part of Our Father.  Pretty much anytime we gather, there’s food. There is food in worship every Sunday (Holy Communion), there is food at most our events, and many of our signature ministries are related to feeding. But we aren’t only interested in physically feeding. We believe that we are called to feed all – mind, body, and spirit.