What To Expect

At Our Father, you can expect to be welcomed into community, no matter who you are. All people are welcome here, and everyone is invited to come as they are. So if you like to worship in jeans, that’s fine. If you like wearing a dress or a suit, go for it. Folks here dress in lots of different ways, so there’s no right or wrong to it.


We have two driveways, but it doesn’t matter which one you use, and there are also two entry doors (one on each side). Both sides are handicap accessible, so come in whichever one is convenient. As you enter you will be warmly greeted by a smiling person who will be happy to answer any questions you might have.


A lot of worship these days gets categorized as “traditional” or “contemporary.” We try not to limit ourselves with that type of thinking. Worship at Our Father doesn’t fit in any one category. Sometimes we use the organ. Sometimes we use flutes or trumpets or guitars. Sometimes we sing old hymns. Sometimes we sing new hymns or contemporary songs. Sometimes we recite old words that have been used for generations. Sometimes we speak new words that are written specifically for here and now. Whatever we do, it’s all printed in the bulletin – all of the words, prayers, and songs – to make sure you’re able to fully participate.


Kids aren’t just welcome – they’re embraced! We love having them in worship with us (and we even love all the noises and wiggles they bring with them). But if they do need a break, we have a Family Room in the back of the sanctuary and a nursery that displays worship on a TV screen, so that your family is still able to participate in worship even if you need to step out of the sanctuary. 


We like to think of the church as a family. That means, sure, it has its quirks, but it’s ultimately united by love. And we seek to practice that love together so that we can get better at it and share it with the whole world. It’s a lofty call, and we aren’t perfect at it, but it is a joy to do our best to live it out together. And we’d love for you to come and help us.