At Our Father, we are committed to living out God’s mission for us on earth.  This is an exciting, messy, challenging, rewarding, and grace-filled (even if not always graceful) calling that leads us into worship, service, and fellowship with one another, our community, and the world.

We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  This means that we believe that God has already saved the world by grace through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ.  This is a free gift of God’s love, and our actions (good or bad) play no part in it.  It’s already been done.  But this gift is also a call – it is a call to go out and share this good news with a world that desperately needs to hear it.

We believe that the good news of Jesus Christ is stronger than the powers of evil.  This means that we try to live lives of love and generosity and hospitality instead of fear and scarcity and security.  We don’t always get it right, but we do always strive to better live out our baptism.

We’d love for you to come and see sometime and discover what God is up to in our lives and community, and discern what God is calling you to do and be.  You are welcome here.