Beloved congregation,

In light of the seriousness of COVID-19, we have decided to cancel all church activities through the end of March.  This means that there will not be worship on Sunday March 15, 22, or 29, nor will there be Wednesday night gatherings, youth meetings, confirmation, choir rehearsal, Bible study, nor any other church gathering.

This decision comes after much study and prayer, as well as consultation with the Congregation Council and at the urging of Bishop Tim Smith (you can read Bishop Tim's message here).  We know to some it will feel excessive and an overreaction, but everything we have learned indicates the most effective thing that can be done right now is social distancing, that now is the precise time it is most important, and that this is how we as people of faith do our part to love and serve one another and our neighbors (for what it's worth, First Lutheran and Prince of Peace Lutheran have both made the same decision).  We are as saddened as anyone that this is necessary; however, we believe it is necessary.

We are still working out how will we best care for one another and worship remotely during this time.  Sunday's bulletin is attached to this email, and it can be prayed and read as worship in your own homes.  Pastor Jesse will also be "Live" on Facebook at 11:00 am Sunday morning, and will post more online worship content to Youtube and Facebook throughout the week.

Pastor Jesse and the staff are not going on vacation; they will still be working on behalf of our ministry together, albeit in ways that we believe are safest for our community and their families.  If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to be in contact with either of us.

God's Peace be with you,

Chip Haas, Council President

Pastor Jesse Canniff-Kuhn