
A lot of worship these days gets categorized as “traditional” or “contemporary.”  We try not to limit ourselves with that type of thinking.  Worship at Our Father doesn’t fit in any one category, but there are a few things that you can expect:

Worship is Engaging.  This means that we use our whole selves in worship.  We stand, we sit, we kneel.  We speak, we listen, we sing.  We think, we wrestle, we discern.  To be fully involved in worship means that we need to create opportunities to involve our full selves, and at Our Father we strive to do just that.

Worship is Liturgical.  This means that we are active participants in worship, not just spectators. Our worship follows the ancient pattern that dates back to the earliest centuries of the Church and contains four basic parts: Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending.  Within these parts, we participate in things like Confession & Forgiveness, Scripture Readings, a Sermon, the Creed (Confession of faith), Prayers, Sharing of Christ’s Peace, Holy Communion, and a lot of music.

Worship is Creative.  This means that we aren’t locked into any one way of worshipping.  Just because our worship is liturgical doesn’t mean it is boring, and it doesn’t mean it is rigid and unchangeable.  We are always shaking things up, trying new things out, and incorporating creativity into worship.

Worship is an Offering.  Above all, worship is an offering to God.  It isn’t something that we do for other people or even for ourselves; it’s a gift that we offer to God.  It’s one of our ways of saying “Thank You” for the grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love that God has given us.